"If you want something very, very badly, then you simply must do something about it.
Very few things in the whole world simply happen.
They happen because we make them happen."

-Enchantress of Crumbledown

Monday, August 31, 2009

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

So, I took this picture when we went to D.C. for band tour. Although I had dreamt about being a photographer before band tour, D.C. was my first chance to actually experiment with a camera. Thank you Jenny for lending me yours!

P.S. I think it's lame that they really do know who the soldier is in the tomb. But whatever.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Carriage at Prom

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Tribute to Summer

Hey, so the first week of school ended today and I am in mourning because that also means summer is dead. So here are a few pictures from my trip to California to commemorate summer in its glory. The first couple of pics are blurry because I forgot to bring the battery charger. So I did quick point and shoots resulting in blurry pictures. But, no matter, they are fun still!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mt. Rushmore

So, we went to Mt. Rushmore on our way home from Nauvoo. Here are some of my favorite pictures!

A view you don't usually see...

Some desaturation. The sky still looks a little blue...

I couldn't resist!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunset in Nauvoo

These pictures were taken through the window of our condo which made it sort of grainy. So I fixed that by darkening the shadows and such. Then I got carried away with the colors. So here is a before and an after.



Monday, August 10, 2009

Little Drummer Sister Missionary

This girl was by far one of my favorite performing missionaries! She had the best expressions when she was drumming. Unfortunately the picture turned out to be a little blurry so I added a watercolor feature to it on photoshop. I like it a lot!


So, sorry for taking so long to update. I went to Nauvoo for a week and then band camp for another week and then the computer wouldn't turn on. So, yay for Mom's laptop and some extra time!

Last Saturday was Alpine Days. I entered these two pictures into the Art Show and the one with the pink flower won third place in the contest.