"If you want something very, very badly, then you simply must do something about it.
Very few things in the whole world simply happen.
They happen because we make them happen."

-Enchantress of Crumbledown

Friday, September 25, 2009

In Thun...

By the way, does anyone know a good template so I can get my pictures really big?


Anonymous said...

The best way to post large photos in blogger is to upload them to a separate photo sharing site (like Picasa or photobucket (personally I use smugmug, but you have to pay for it. I've used photobucket in the past and it's a good service) and then when you use the photo uploader in blogger use the "upload URL" option instead and use the URL from the other service. (I hope that made sense; if not you can email me (julesqlindgren at gmail dot com)or call me).

In other news, I like this picture. It makes me want to put on cable socks and curl up with a good book.

Anonymous said...

oh, if you do decide to use photobucket, make sure you upload the pictures in the size you want to display -- typically 640px by 480px displays a nice large picture, although you will probably want to change your blogger template to something with a wider text column like "sand dollar" or "tekka"

Kristy L. Rogers said...

Thanks Julianne! That's a big help!